myth for cranberry

There came a time when a thought became a virus. People believed their hearts were ineffective and should taken out. So it happened. People had their hearts taken out and in their place they wore necklaces. These necklaces would not only be beautiful, they would charge every night. They would learn every night. They would do everything the heart could do but better because they were upgrading all the time. All people had in their bodies were rivers of blood in veins and arteries. No pump. No force. Only constant electrical charge from the necklace.

They soon found not having their heart was easier anyway to not have all the pain of dealing with other people and contending with loss. The people were sick of being sad, and now that their charged up necklaces were carrying the burden of their love, they felt relieved and numb. But the hearts themselves disappeared -they were put into various places in the ground. The people were ashamed of their hearts, believing they were ugly and gross - because in one way, they are. The organs were deposited in various places and people just forgot where they were because they were just give them to the doctors and the doctors would give them to the disposal people because it wasn’t a gray job to have because everyone was ashamed of their heart.

Well, there came a time when generations of people with their hearts taken out came to be. But the children, who wore the necklaces looked at the scars on their chests and wondered what was missing. So a group of them from one town went out and they searched until they came to clearing that was strangely muddy muggy smell and they realized that there were all these plants growing with berries that were squishy and hard and also a little oval and red.

And the when they ate the cranberries the seeds took hold in their bodies and took and planted the way seeds do, and started growing until they became cranberry hearts that beat and were rubbery in and slimy and full of life. I would like to say that now we care for the cranberries because they remind us of the depth of our love, the deepest part of our hearts even when it hurts.

But I don’t know what happened to the adults, if they were ever given the cranberries, and if they were, did they eat them? Or were they too fascinated by their necklaces?

Irene Lee