In Solidarity with Black Lives Matter

Keep repeating these names in hymn of remembrance: Riah Milton, Dominique “Rem’mie” Fells, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Taylor McDade, Ahmaud Arbery, David McAtee, Nina Pop, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Sandra Bland, Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice, Ramarley Graham, Sean Bell, Rekia Boyd, Philandro Castile, Kenneth Chamberlain, Jordan Davis, and so many more.

ilylali press and myself stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement in taking actions to eradicate the systems that perpetuate, from its foundations, intolerable and unequal conditions for the majority of people who live on this land, systems that favor, with fury, this destructive construct of whiteness.

ilylali press stands firmly in support of a compassionate vision and actionable steps toward creating radically new connections with each other and with the land to uplift Black voices, and also POC voices that have been so silenced, manipulated, and ignored.

ilylali press will continue to engage with the struggle to unwind the coils of capitalism that destroy the land, and thus destroy the people who live throughout it: unequally up until now - but in that - everyone. The time for change has come.

Because there is another way. There are so many other ways, which involve the abolition of police and prisons, the breaking up of big banks and disentangling big business from government. Funds, actions, and care directed toward social services, education and housing, specifically in black and brown communities. It’s time to stop the charade of neoliberalism and get to work on voting for change, donating for change, disrupting these streets for change.

I want to dream with you. Every effort made will be toward breaking harmful cycles.

By working together now in uprooting these systems, and ongoing, with dedication, radical change can be made.

In honor of Black trans lives, and in hopes to promote the Black Lives Matter movement, ALL ilylali press proceeds for the next 30 days, until July 15, will go towards the Marsha P. Johnson Institute or another Black Trans justice organization per request.


Write to your elected official

Read Black Radical Literature put together by Rijard Bergeron (if you have money, please chip in to support the authors/publishers)

If you are in New York City follow @justiceforgeorge on instagram for information about rallies.

Donate and Support

Black Lives Matter

Black Visions Collective

The Loveland Foundation


Good Call Arrest Support

#OpenYourLobby Map

Creature Friend Finder

Mapping Our Roles in Social Change Ecosystems

The Poetry Project

Irene Lee